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The First Note


Many studies have proven that music can be an exceptional tool for children' development from a very young age. In fact, the Brain and Creativity Institute, located in California, has actually determined that music during childhood can accelerate brain development.

But except the benefits in the brain development and academic achievement, teaching the first note has also other benefits such as improving sensory development, literacy skills, children' moods, vocabulary, coordination and motor skills. Moreover it develops the children coping skills, makes them more social and processes their emotions.

Our Methods


Our teaching methods are inspired by philosophies and methods of Kodaly, Jaques- Dalcroze , Geza Szilvay, Nikhil Dally and Elsa & Chris Lusther. Melodia School is the ideal way to help your children to develop a sensitive inner ear, discover and develop their singing voice, and acquire the musicianship skills necessary to start to read music and learn an instrument. Children increase their self confidence, improve their psychical co-ordination and experience different moods and characters.

Teach in Harmony


During the lessons we establish a creative approach to music. It develops awareness, skill in co-ordination, a deep understanding of musical elements such as pulse, tempo, rhythm, phrasing, duration and structure through movement. Moreover, it develops the ability to improvise for movement, using voice, percussion and other instruments and learn sol-fa with movement and space to explore pitch, melody and harmony. Singing, dance, music games and loads of fun with high quality materials.

Founder’s picture
Maria Vasilatou
Founder’s Notes 

Maria Vasilatou received her bachelor degree in Early childhood Education at the University of Athens, and studied classic music and piano in Greece. She is a graduate of MSc in Education and Child Studies of Leiden University with a specialisation in Learning Problems and Impairments. She has multiple years experience in teaching musicianship to children of all ages and founded Melodia School of music and Dance in 2017. 

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